La acostumbrada tradición de una transición presidencial, en donde el político saliente acompaña al entrante no es parte de la ceremonia de inauguración de Joe Biden. Tras un anuncio hecho en Twitter, el presidente Donald Trump declinó su participación en dicha ceremonia. La reciente elección presidencial en Estados Unidos rompió récord de participación. Ambos candidatos obtuvieron una cifra superior a los 70 millones de votos, siendo los más votados de la historia. Con 306 votos electorales, Joe Biden se convirtió el ganador de la elección contra Donald Trump que logró únicamente 232. En una transición presidencial atropellada, nunca antes presenciada en Estados Unidos, el Presidente Donald Trump acusó fraude electoral y exigió un recuento. Por primera vez en 20 años, dos demócratas son elegidos para representar al estado Georgia en el senado. Esta doble victoria demócrata divide a la cámara a la mitad, dando, a cada partido 50 y…
It’s been a year since Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was elected President, and seven months since he took office. He launched two of his signature programs: scholarships for young people who are out of work and pension plans for people over 65 years old. His austerity plan reduced the wages of highly paid government officials’, and budget cuts were applied in a number of federal ministries. This left many government workers without a job. For economic analyst José Luis de la Cruz these austerity measures might have a negative impact on the country’s growth Lopez Obrador’s agenda shifted after U.S. President Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican goods if Mexico couldn’t rapidly reduce the northbound flow of migrants. At the national palace in Mexico City, AMLO holds a daily morning conference allowing reporters to ask questions. But the relationship between Mexico’s President and journalists has been particularly complicated. FULL STORY:
Surrounded by thousands of supporters on the main square the night he won the presidential election, 64-year-old Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador- or AMLO as he is known- promised not to disappoint his supporters after winning the presidential elections by the highest margin of the past two decades. His previous bids for president in 2006 and 2012, first with the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and then a coalition of the Labour Party (PT) and the Citizens’ Movement (MC) were both unsuccessful. The 2006 campaign was lost to Felipe Calderon of the right-wing National Action Party (PAN) by less than one percent of the vote and was marked by biter accusations of fraud. But in the wake of his 2012 loss by over seven percentage points to the traditionalist PRI party candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto, AMLO became disillusioned with party in-fighting, left the PRD and officially established the left-wing anti-establishment…