


Hundreds of migrants are wading across a river from Guatemala to Mexico in a new test of President Trump’s immigration strategy. The migrants want free passage across Mexico to the U.S. border and Mexico’s government rejected that. Under pressure from the U.S., the Mexican government has refused to grant the migrants free passage to the U.S. border. Last year more than four caravans with Central American migrants tried to cross through Mexico to reach the U.S. but they got stuck on the border. President Trump sent troops to the border in order to stop the flow of undocumented migrants. Mexico faced tariff threats by U.S. President Donald Trump last year if it didn’t crack down on Central American migrants making their way through the country to the U.S. border. In response, it sent tens of thousands of national guard troops to both borders. As a result, crossings into the U.S.…

The quality of the Mexican tortilla has suffered. Local production has given way to the import of over 10 million tons of corn annually. Molino “El Pujol” is trying to bring back the long-time practice of milling corn to make dough and resurrect the “real” tortilla in the era of mass production in the food industry.  The house-made dough from Oaxaca is sent to restaurants, including the world-renowned Pujol. But not everyone in the city can offer this treat due to the time-consuming process it requires.  The Nixtamalization is the traditional preparation method with maize, during which it is soaked and cooked. This special tortilla production system incorporates an educational element: tortillas come wrapped in what they call the Totomoxtle “newspaper” on which information is printed about corn.

In Mexico, residents near a famous active volcano say they are not worried about the dangers of an unexpected eruption because among them lives ‘El Tiempero’ or the ‘One Who Watches the weather’, a man who says he’s been chosen to save their lives After lying dormant for decades, Popocatepetl came back to life in 1994 and since then several eruptions occurred. This forced the government to expand the evacuation routes from the small towns on the outskirts of the volcano to the larger, nearby city.

Mexico boasts an array of medicinal plants. They grow naturally in rural areas, where communities have little access to formal healthcare facilities. eight out of 10 people use traditional medicine. An essential part of Zapotec culture is using plants for medicinal purposes. Zapotec healer Isabel Jimenez wants to pass on her skills and knowledge to younger generations. In an effort to protect natural vegetation, threatened by accelerated urban growth, the National Autonomous University of Mexico has set up a digital library, that lists more than 3,000 indigenous plant species. The Sonora Market in Mexico City is the largest medicinal plant market in the country. More than 300 different species are available for sale here. Full Story here:

In an effort to reduce the rate of violent crime in Mexico City, the local government has started a gun buy-back programme. So far, it’s been received with enthusiasm especially from families, who don’t want their children exposed to gun culture. Valeria Leon has the story.

Mexican immigrants recently deported from the United States back to their home country often find the return difficult. But as Valeria Leon reports from Mexico City, many of them have descended on a neighborhood of the capital known as Little L.A. where they have found a home away from home. Faced with discrimination in their native Mexico, after being deported from the United States, deportees felt compelled to find a place where they could establish their own community. Using their bilingual skills, many have found jobs in call centers in the centrally located neighborhood they named “Little L.A.”, which now has the highest concentration of Mexican citizens forcibly removed from the U.S. My story for TRT World

Hugo Ruiz les ha abierto la puerta a otras persona ciegas, como él, en ámbitos en los que ni siquiera eran consideradas… ahora, llega al Congreso como el primer diputado ciego en la historia del país. Además de crear el primer sindicato para discapacitados, el diputado federal de Morena quiere echar mano de la tecnología con la aplicación “Discatel” para hacerles la vida mas fácil a las personas con discapacidad. Hugo fue el primer ciego en competir en una olimpiada. Fue el fundador del comité paralímpico en México buscando la igualdad para débiles visuales. Y ahora, desde la Cámara de Diputados impulsa una agenda que brinde las mismas condiciones laborales para los ciegos en el país. En espera de una nueva etapa de igualdad, la representación en el Congreso les brinda a los discapacitados la esperanza de ser mayormente considerados.