


Patients are waiting to seek medical care until their cases are so bad that doctors can do little to help them. In a survey published last month, 70% of Mexicans said they would feel “unsafe” taking their relatives to the hospital during the pandemic.

Las llamadas de auxilio denunciando violencia de género se han incrementado durante el confinamiento derivado de la pandemia de Covid-19. Sin embargo, el gobierno ha ignorado la problemática de la violencia contra las mujeres, alcanzando una crisis sin igual. Este reportaje explora la situación a través de la vida de mujeres en los refugios de la Ciudad de México. Realización y Guión por Valeria León. Imágenes aéreas cortesía de Santiago Arau. Especial agradecimiento a las mujeres que me abrieron su corazón para relatar la violencia vivida.

Mexico’s food banks are in higher demand than usual as they try to ensure food security for the entire country. Several social initiatives are rising to the challenge of providing food to people who’ve lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Valeria Leon has the story.

Mexico City’s homeless population is being aided by a Mobile Clinic, donated by the Turkish Government in October. Inside this medical unit, doctors are able to check on patients and isolate those who test positive for COVID-19. The more than one hundred patients who visit each week are given information regarding the illness while waiting their turn to see a doctor. My story:

For the second time in less than a month, 8-month-old Matias tested positive for COVID-19. His mother, Mariana was first infected in Spain. She passed the illness on to her son when she returned home to Mexico, making him the first baby with Coronavirus in the country. To avoid the spread of misinformation and prevent other mothers from infecting their babies, Mariana launched a campaign using her case to draw attention to the risk that children face. According to Dr. Carmen Espinoza reports that children were somehow immune to the virus have been extremely detrimental.

2020 Women’s Day March in Mexico march marks the biggest feminist mobilization in the country’s history.  Thousands of protesters have gathered at the monument to the revolution to raise their voices against the continued killings of women.  The country classified a thousand killings as femicides last year,  and most of them were the culmination of domestic violence.  This fight against gender-violence is the first big social movement to form during the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who took office in Dicember 2018.

Georgina became the first tango dancer with Parkinson’s. She started practicing it five years ago, after she was diagnosed with this condition. Through tango she has found the strength the disease has taken away from her. Tango therapy teacher, Brandy Ruvalcaba says her bonding with the students comes from a problem she had with her legs when she was born. With therapy, she managed to overcome it and reach her goal and become a professional dancer.    Brandy says her method has helped more than a hundred patients for the last five years. Thanks to her tango classes her students with Parkinson’s disease have improved their balance and posture.  Juan Cortes is the president of the Parkinson’s Association, he believes that a supportive community is essential for dealing with this progressive disorder.  For these patients, Tango has given them back the opportunity to recover the accuracy in their movements by practicing and…