It is his first State of the Union speech and Mexico’s President is celebrating an agreement with the United States. Lopez Obrador’s government reached a deal with the Trump administration to overcome the threat of tariffs on trade, it was in exchange for sending troops to Mexico’s southern border. All negotiated under US President Trump’s crackdown on the flow of undocumented migrants entering America.
One of the Mexican President’s priorities he discussed is the newly created National Guard, which was deployed in part to curb unregulated migration.
Much of Lopez Obrador’s political messaging, including his first State of the Union Address, focuses on his effort to fight violence with education. For political analyst, Esteban Illades, Lopez Obrador’s messages portray a conception of reality that differs from what’s happening in the country.
Despite the protests and temperamental relationship with his American neighbors, Lopez Obrador still enjoys a 68 percent approval rating. his supporters say he will fulfill his campaign promise to transform the country.
With five years left of a six-year term, many Mexicans believe he’ll have enough time to eradicate Mexico’s corrupt practices and find an even ground with the United States. But there are still those who see the country as being damaged irrevocably.
Valeria Leon, TRT WORLD, Mexico City