It is his first State of the Union speech and Mexico’s President is celebrating an agreement with the United States. Lopez Obrador’s government reached a deal with the Trump administration to overcome the threat of tariffs on trade, it was in exchange for sending troops to Mexico’s southern border. All negotiated under US President Trump’s crackdown on the flow of undocumented migrants entering America. One of the Mexican President’s priorities he discussed is the newly created National Guard, which was deployed in part to curb unregulated migration. Much of Lopez Obrador’s political messaging, including his first State of the Union Address, focuses on his effort to fight violence with education. For political analyst, Esteban Illades, Lopez Obrador’s messages portray a conception of reality that differs from what’s happening in the country. Despite the protests and temperamental relationship with his American neighbors, Lopez Obrador still enjoys a 68 percent approval rating.…
It’s been a year since Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was elected President, and seven months since he took office. He launched two of his signature programs: scholarships for young people who are out of work and pension plans for people over 65 years old. His austerity plan reduced the wages of highly paid government officials’, and budget cuts were applied in a number of federal ministries. This left many government workers without a job. For economic analyst José Luis de la Cruz these austerity measures might have a negative impact on the country’s growth Lopez Obrador’s agenda shifted after U.S. President Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican goods if Mexico couldn’t rapidly reduce the northbound flow of migrants. At the national palace in Mexico City, AMLO holds a daily morning conference allowing reporters to ask questions. But the relationship between Mexico’s President and journalists has been particularly complicated. FULL STORY:
Mexico gets its first leftist leader in decades Combined with a deep sense of nationalism and his own place in history, he sees his inauguration as a historic “fourth transformation” of Mexico, following independence from Spain, the liberal reforms that broke the church’s dominance in the 1850s and the 1910-1917 revolution. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is beginning his six-year term as Mexico’s 57th president on Saturday. He takes up the role amid high expectations and some controversy, due to his confrontational style. He says he plans to dismantle many of his predecessor’s policies. Valeria Leon has more from Mexico City. Full Story
En esta ciudad fronteriza se han comenzado a gestar proyectos culturales y comerciales con la esperanza de cambiar un entorno antaño sumido en la violencia. TIJUANA, B. C.— Es un día nublado y las gaviotas revolotean sobre la frontera de los 3,000 kilómetros que separan a México y Estados Unidos. Las aves tienen un lugar predilecto para observar: la barda de fierro que termina en el océano, en el área conocida como Las Playas de Tijuana. Del lado estadounidense se ve, a la distancia, a tres hombres montando a caballo. Al tener visible el letrero “No trespassing” dan vuelta y retornan a la ciudad naval. Del lado mexicano, en cambio, hay grupos en vivo tocando música banda junto a la barda fronteriza. El estruendo es tal, que en los restaurantes colindantes al muro es difícil dialogar. Los músicos portan vestimenta colorida y tocan junto a un letrero que cuelga en…