Hundreds of women embark on protest in Mexico city after accusations surface that police officers raped two teenagers. These demonstrations have become known as the “glitter protests” after marchers earlier this week showered the Mexico city’s police chief in pink glitter. During the march, many expressed outrage over the high levels of violence against women and girls in Mexico. The main hashtag of this movement has become #theydontlookaftermetheyrapeme Journalist Valeria Leon has more from Mexico City.
Mexico boasts an array of medicinal plants. They grow naturally in rural areas, where communities have little access to formal healthcare facilities. eight out of 10 people use traditional medicine. An essential part of Zapotec culture is using plants for medicinal purposes. Zapotec healer Isabel Jimenez wants to pass on her skills and knowledge to younger generations. In an effort to protect natural vegetation, threatened by accelerated urban growth, the National Autonomous University of Mexico has set up a digital library, that lists more than 3,000 indigenous plant species. The Sonora Market in Mexico City is the largest medicinal plant market in the country. More than 300 different species are available for sale here. Full Story here:
México, más que un destino turístico es un paraíso gastronómico. “No visites las pirámides, vuélcate en la riqueza de sabores de sus platillos”, es la recomendación que da un extranjero a uno de sus connacionales europeos quien está por visitar el país. Recorrí con Rajan algunos mercados de la Ciudad de México y entre penetrantes olores de barbacoa hirviendo y queso fundido, me describía su experiencia en el país a través de la comida: “Para el mexicano todo gira en torno a la comida. Las reuniones, las costumbres, las fiestas, todo se convierte en una experiencia culinaria”. Mientras yo observaba con disgusto las burbujas del aceite cocinando el chicharrón, él sonreía ante lo que consideraba un elixir. “La barbacoa es lo mejor que he probado”, le decía al vendedor proveniente del Estado de México, quien con sonrisa fugaz le ofrecía un taco al europeo. De dos mordidas se terminó el taco.…